Metaphysics & Spirituality

Hebrew Casting LotsHebrew Casting Lots
Hebrew Casting Lots

By Daniel E. Loeb


Unlock the ancient wisdom of the Hebrew Alefbet with 11 double-sided Casting Lot talismans and comprehensive guidebook detailing their rich kabbalistic and divinatory meaning. The use of casting lots for divination and decision-making is...

Voyages with the Celtic SaintsVoyages with the Celtic Saints
Coming Soon
Voyages with the Celtic Saints

By John Matthews, Illustrated by Joe Machine, and Foreword by David Spangler


Discover the remarkable lives of 14 notable Celtic saints through stories, inspired poetry, and meditations. Voyages with the Celtic Saints recounts the inspired lives of the Celtic saints, who carried the torch of the...


By Lara van Zuydam


The primeval intelligence of the human soul and the ecosystem within which it operates have long remained secret, their deeper mysteries overlooked, obfuscated, or simply misunderstood. In Soul: A Modern Guide to Evolving in a...

Iago's PenumbraIago's Penumbra
Iago's Penumbra

By Rose Guildenstern



Exploring Physical Mediumship
Exploring Physical Mediumship

By Elaine M. Kuzmeskus


Physical mediumship, where spirits of the departed speak or interact directly with the living, is a rare but very real phenomenon. In this fascinating book, Elaine Kuzmeskus retraces historical séance sessions and retells firsthand accounts...

Clear SpiritClear Spirit
Clear Spirit

By Joanne Brocas


Everything is energy—both seen and unseen, physical and immaterial. Our own personal energies are affected by the energies in our surrounding environments. Master the life-changing power of energy clearing and return to harmony with this...

Kabbalah and the 22 Paths of HealingKabbalah and the 22 Paths of Healing
Kabbalah and the 22 Paths of Healing

By Marco Marini and Illustrated by Luigi Scapini


33 Hebrew letter cards, a comprehensive healing guide, and a therapeutic CD for 22 paths in Kabbalistic tradition. It has been noted for centuries that the healing potential of Kabbalistic principles faces disease and...

The Legend of Papa BalloonThe Legend of Papa Balloon
The Legend of Papa Balloon

By Christopher McClure and Illustrated by Steven Kernen


Papa Balloon is the story of a unique, mysterious figure who magically appears in a land where the people have become divided and are in need of greater understanding and empathy for each other. Traveling...

The Art of Mediumship
The Art of Mediumship

By Elaine Kuzmeskus


The evidence for life after death is overwhelming, and scientists, from Professor William James to Dr. Gary Schwartz, have validated after-life communication. In The Art of Mediumship, discover what really goes on in a séance....

I. LuciferI. Lucifer
I. Lucifer

By Corvis Nocturnum


Delve into the many aspects of the evolving archetype of Lucifer, from his multifaceted creation to his almost endearing charm on today’s world stage. Explore myths and legends of not only Satan, but what Lucifer...

Contact Your Spirit GuidesContact Your Spirit Guides
Contact Your Spirit Guides

By Asandra


A comprehensive training package focusing on how to contact, identify, and work with your Spirit Guides. Asandra is an artist, writer, and professional Channel with an international clientele for over 25 years. Here, she...

From God to YouFrom God to You
From God to You

By Elliott Eli Jackson


On a summer night in a quiet living room in Illinois something miraculous occurred. God, or as they prefer to be called, "All there is, was, and ever shall be," began to speak verbally through...

Devils and Demonology
Devils and Demonology

By Katie Boyd


Occultism, exorcism, and demonic entities exist in cultures around the world. Learn what devils and demons are and what you can do to ensure you are never a victim. Study demonic cases and people helped...

Twist Your FateTwist Your Fate
Twist Your Fate

By Geof Gray-Cobb


Benefit from "coincidence or synchronicity." Straightforward in essence, yet awesome in scope, this book helps you learn to profit by employing simple techniques to twist your fate to get what you want or need from...

The Spirit ConnectionThe Spirit Connection
The Spirit Connection

By Dr. Hans Holzer


The intervention of the other side of life is here, simply on another level. Dr. Hans Holzer explains that a belief system is not necessary, since we share the same space. Through witness testimonials, documented...

Séance 101
Séance 101

By Elaine Kuzmeskus, M.S.


Séance 101 explores the physical side of the spirit world and how contact with “the other side” affects you! Read this book to find out : • How spirits communicate with us by tipping tables....

Human Levitation
Human Levitation

By Preston Dennett


Levitation is a rare phenomenon that has been experienced not only by saints, mystics, and mediums, but also by housewives, businessmen, farmers, young children, and other seemingly normal people. In fact, research points to the...

Keys to Self-Realization
Keys to Self-Realization

By Marilyn Jean Enners


In the search for Enlightenment and Knowledge there are many different "keys" available to the seeker which unlock the gate to the Subconscious Mind, the channel to the Higher self. In this book, Marilyn Jean...

Brad Steiger Predicts the Future
Brad Steiger Predicts the Future

By Brad Steiger


According to Brad Steiger, we can predict the future by understanding the cycles of history and the cycles of weather. History really does repeat itself. That is, cycles of time repeat themselves with astonishing accuracy....

An Act of Woman Power
An Act of Woman Power

By Kisma K. Stepanich


This is an invaluable book for every man and woman who is ready to understand the origin of their essence; to go beyond the threshold of our self-imposed limitations and begin working on a true...

From Out of the Blue
From Out of the Blue

By Steve Travis


Join Steve Travis on his journey to self-journey. This very personal account of his awakening to the life within and beyond the physical plane is a fascinating diary of a metamorphosis from skeptic to believer....

Exploring the Power Within
Exploring the Power Within

By Brad Steiger


Some people among us have shown remarkable powers of mind, body, and spirit. The names of Irene Hughes, Olof Jonsson, Jane Roberts, John Catchings, Olga Worrall, Deon Frey and others bring a feeling of awe...

Origin and Destiny of Humanity
Origin and Destiny of Humanity

By William Earl Valentine Key-nee


In Origin and Destiny of Humanity, William Key-nee explores our physical, intellectual, and spiritual connections with the universe. The author discusses our development from the first man and woman to the people of the future;...

The Secret Life of Your Cells
The Secret Life of Your Cells

By Robert S. Stone


In The Secret Life of Your Cells , Robert B. Stone, Ph.D., explores the latest research of Cleve Backster, who, by attaching a lie-detector to the leaf of a plant, discovered that it had feelings...

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