REDFeather GIft

REDFeather Gift

100% Happiness


Congratulations! You're about to take your happiness into your own hands! Using 98 concepts listed alphabetically from A to Z, you'll find ways to make small changes that will lighten and brighten your life. This guided journal uses three phases—introspection,...

90 Days to Learning the Tarot


Now you can connect to The Divine while learning the Tarot through this 90-day program that provides the tools to tap into your intuition. The Tarot and stories told within the cards are magical and can apply to your personal,...

A Christmas Tarot


22 Majors-only ghostly Tarot cards inspired by Dickens’s A Christmas Carol—Includes card interpretations for past, present, and future as well as Christmas element histories For those who love the holiday classic A Christmas Carol, embark on a journey of discovery through this...

A Course in Tarot


A course to help you understand Tarot, read accurately, and make personal links to each card. The Tarot provides accurate insight into emotions, life events, relationships, career and money matters, family situations, and more. In this course, you will find...

A Peek into Vedic Wellness


A Peek into Vedic Wellness, as the name suggests, is a peek: a short but succinct initiation into the ancient dietary theory of Vedic wellness and spiritual healing, both for interested readers as well as those who are curious about holistic...

An Illuminated Guide to Wicca


The World of the Wiccan awaits you in this lavishly illustrated guide to all things Witchy. Have you always wanted to learn more about Wicca but didn’t know where to start? Start learning today with this beautiful, amply illustrated book....

Angel Relationships


A wonderful phenomenon is happening in heaven and on earth. Angels want to prove their existence, and they are reaching out to connect with us more than ever. Likewise, here on earth, people are learning more about the angelic realm...

Angels of Healing and Hope Oracle


Whether you’re in need of support, healing, or inspiration, you’ll find it in this deck of 44 exquisitely designed oracle cards. The angels are divine beings of love and light that guide and protect us and assist us with our...

Audacious Action Angels Oracle


You have your own audacious angels working alongside you every day, helping you to live in your body and listen to its knowing! Now you can gain guidance more quickly and clearly by using the Audacious Action Angels Oracle or...

Auset Gypsy Tarot


Fall in love with the Tarot all over again with the Auset Gypsy Tarot, a truly bohemian metaphysical experience! Here the timeless story of the Major and Minor Arcana is woven in a romantic yet modern style by published astrologer...



A dynamic journal, workbook, and self-help guide that empowers people to integrate more happiness into their daily lives.  We all have the conditions to be happy right now. Take the first step with Awake: A Journal, a Guide, a Retreat, a...

Beautiful Creatures Tarot, 2nd Edition


The 2nd edition of the bestselling deck that engages readers to visit a mystical world where all questions will be answered with honesty and love. In this revised and updated second edition of Beautiful Creatures Tarot, visit a mystical and exotic...

Bleu Cat Tarot


There's no cat like the precocious, sociable, and clever Siamese when it comes to learning just what you need to know to put your life on the right track – or take it off the wrong one! Bleu Cat Tarot...

Bonefire Tarot


The second edition of a powerful Tarot deck influenced by the tattoo flash of Sailor Jerry Collins! Inspired  by Sailor Jerry Collins’s  old-school tattoo flash and outsider art, the second edition of Bonefire Tarot brings you 78 energetic hand-painted Tarot cards...

Build Your Psychic Skills


Explore your potential ?develop your psychic sense! While everyone is natural psychic, psychic ability must be nurtured and learned. Everyone can improve their innate psychic sense. This 90-Day Plan is designed to help readers take small steps each day, so...

Carry Me Crystals—Chakra Clearing & Oracle Card Deck


"Gems are precious and each one can assist you on a spectacular journey to enlightenment." Yeshua. What if you didn’t have access to the crystal you wanted to work with? Through the power of intention and the creative use of...

Celtic Book of the Dead


Navigate your way through the shoals of life and divine how the soul can voyage onward! The Celtic Book of the Dead is a 42-card oracle based on the ancient Irish story of the Voyage of Maelduin, given here in a new translation...

Celtic Goddesses, Witches, and Queens Oracle


A powerful divinatory tool focusing on the wisdom of  40 amazing Celtic goddesses and other powerful women in Celtic myth. Drawing upon the deep well of wisdom from Celtic goddesses and other powerful women in Celtic myth, this is an...

Christ Consciousness Self-Mastery Oracle


The perfect tool for anyone striving to achieve a higher level of consciousness. Christ Consciousness is a living energy within all, guiding us toward unity, love, and spiritual evolution. Rooted in Jesus’ teachings, this award-winning 55-card oracle deck and guidebook...

Claiming Your Power through Astrology


A do-it-yourself spiritual journey workbook with 17 cosmic worksheets guiding you to a deeper understanding of self! At birth, the stars were in perfect alignment representing the essence of you: who you are, where you are going, and what you...

Clarity Tarot


Embrace the tarot and make it your own with a deck that speaks to the soul and delivers deep knowledge. Now the secrets of the Tarot are brought to light so that anyone can clearly hear the powerful messages that...

Creating Smudge Sticks


15 projects creating smudge sticks, from basic to elaborate, for anyone wanting to clean their space of negative energies or to create positive ones Smudging is an ancient ritual most commonly used for purification and the removal of negative energy...

Da Vinci Enigma Tarot


Leonardo da Vinci was one of the most renowned artists of his day, and, in modern times, his work is recognized worldwide. He is universally acknowledged as a prophetic visionary, who envisioned and created blueprints for many ideas and artifacts...

Dark Goddess Tarot


A powerful 78-card deck which celebrates the power of the  Dark Goddess aspect of sacred Feminine and connects ancient  wisdom to modern life to unlock the intuitive power that all women  possess. Dark . . . as in deep. Dark...

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