
The Astrology of Nations
The Astrology of Nations


Discover the art of casting and interpreting astrology charts for nations, politics, and economies with this complete guide to the history and practice of mundane astrology. Mundane astrology is the art of making predictions about the political and economic condition...

Temple of the Stars
Temple of the Stars


Discover the astrological meaning of the ancient Egyptian decans, their correspondence to gods and the afterlife, and how each individual’s decan placement defines their experiences. Astrologers divide each of the 12 zodiac signs into three parts, called decans. The ancient...

The Elements of Becoming a Successful Astrologer


Take your astrology knowledge to the next level and gain the confidence necessary to read charts for a living! The Elements of Becoming a Successful Astrologer is written for those learning astrology and wish to start reading charts professionally. This...



A guide to use astrology to find the best days to travel and to avoid unexpected traveling disasters.  Knowing which days to travel can be your invitation to pack your bags and have a great time. Now you can be armed...



Find serenity thanks to the stars! Astrology, the discipline of the mind and the study of the human psyche, has become a true psychology. No longer perceived as magical or mystical, it is now viewed as a serious and accessible...

Astrology for Christians


Tracing the roots of astrology from Abraham through the life of Christ and the surrounding Roman Empire, this book provides astonishing evidence that astrology once held an essential position within early Christian beliefs and traditional monotheistic Hebrew culture. Powerful proofs...

Feeling Great with the Moon


Now you can find the key to well-being, total health, and eternal youth by using the cosmic energies activated by the moon! Based on ancient Japanese energy healing wisdom, this book combines the Eastern and Western element systems using the...

Chinese Astrology


How does your Chinese zodiac sign influence your life? How does your lunar date of birth affect your fortune? Find out the answers to these questions and more, in this easy-to-follow guide to the fascinating ancient art of Chinese astrology....

Your Cosmic Compass


Enjoy this fun and uplifting spiritual guidebook that provides exclusive access to cosmic conditions that surround one specific year of your life. Discover the dynamic themes, challenges, and opportunities that await you at your Solar Return (birthdate), and gain valuable...

Astrology's Hidden Aspects


Discover astrological quintiles and sesquiquintiles as detailed by renowned astrologer Dusty Bunker. Presented for the first time, full interpretations of the astrological quintiles and the sesquiquintiles using the ten traditional planets and the Ascendant. In this groundbreaking book, astrologer Dusty...

The Beginner's Guide to Astrology


Learn the language of astrology, including the planets, signs, houses, and aspects that prove you are exactly who you should be! Join noted astrologer Dusty Bunker in this simple direct beginner's workbook that will teach you how to truly know...

Claiming Your Power through Astrology


A do-it-yourself spiritual journey workbook with 17 cosmic worksheets guiding you to a deeper understanding of self! At birth, the stars were in perfect alignment representing the essence of you: who you are, where you are going, and what you...

The Magic of Electional Astrology


Electional Astrology addresses the age-old challenge of creating charts for inceptions, such as the start of an activity or an entity (like a corporation). Electional is a popular request among astrology clients who often ask for dates and times to...

Traditional Medical Astrology


Medical Astrology is no longer a specialty that only a few astrologers can learn to use, as was the case for the last century. Presented here is a step-by-step approach to teaching the logic of this field, which traditionally was...

Astrology of Sustainability


Now you can understand how astrologers comprehend environmental issues of the 21st century. In this ground-breaking work, traditional astrological methods for assessing outer planet cycles, then the full integration of the meanings of the upcoming Neptune and Pluto cycles through...

The Martial Art of Horary Astrology


Horary is the astrological method for answering a specific question by examining a chart drawn for the moment of the question. Horary astrology shares with martial arts training the teaching of a combination of method and intuition. In both, repetitive...

The Astrolabe World Ephemeris


Featuring Longitudes and Declinations for the Sun, Moon, Planets, Chiron and the Asteroids. The Astrolabe World Ephemeris combines reading ease and clarity with 21st Century accuracy and precision of data. This unique ephemeris is one of the most complete and...

The Astrolabe World Ephemeris


Featuring Longitudes and Declinations for the Sun, Moon, Planets, Chiron and the Asteroids. The Astrolabe World Ephemeris combines reading ease and clarity with 21st Century accuracy and precision of data. This unique ephemeris is one of the most complete and...

Essays on Astrology


Here at last are the collected essays of the world's leading astrologer, Robert Hand. In one comprehensive volume, Essays on Astrology makes a cross section of Robert Hand's writings available to both the beginning and advanced astrologer. Robert Hand is one...

Our Stars of Destiny


"The aim of this book is to outline and delineate the journey of the soul." Faith Javane explores the divine potential of each individual and steps they may take to attain Higher Consciousness. In this new study she focuses on...

Zodiac Symbology


Zodiac Symbology presents an invaluable compendium of symbols for each sign of the Zodiac along with explanations of the practical and esoteric significance of those symbols. Combining a light approach with substantive information, this book is appropriate both as general...

Astrology Nutrition and Health


Using your natal horoscope to foresee and prevent health problems is a concern as old as Hippocrates and Ptolemy. In Astrology Nutrition & Health, author Robert Carl Jansky draws on his background in both biochemistry and astrology, detailing how a...

A Look at Tomorrow Today


In this compelling and fascinating study, authors Cataldo and Pelletier invite the reader to search himself to find and utilize the vast riches within. Through fourteen chapters the value of astrology and its influence on human behavior is explored and...

Moon Phases


Usually we think of the Moon as having four phases, but there are actually twenty-eight. This feature alone reveals a great deal about you, your personality, abilities, motivations, perceptions. Whether you are a beginning student or a seasoned astrologer, Goldsmith's...

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