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by Emily Kisvarda, author of Sacred Geometry Healing Cards

Sacred Geometry Healing Cards
by Emily Kisvarda

Do you ever walk around questioning your reality and wonder how our world, our universe came to be? Do you ever do a ‘double-take’ because you are certain you saw a color, a geometrical pattern, or an energy with your physical eyes, but it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared? This article is designed to give you a brief overview and understanding of Sacred Geometry and to unlock your mind to explore the metaphysics of its basic principles. Whilst the subject is incredibly vast, this is a great place to start.

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.”

~ Wayne Dyer

Sacred Geometry (SG) forms the fundamental building blocks of our entire universe. It is everything from the micro–atomic structure, pine cones, snowflakes, the human body, plants, and shells–to macro weather patterns, planets, and the galactic core. One way this can be explained is through fractals or self-similarity (Pic 1).

Pic 1 – Sacred Geometry within plants, shells and weather patterns
month 8
2 – Pregnancy is fractal  

A perfect example of this is a pregnant woman carrying a baby (Pic 2 above) or the Babushka/Matryoshka doll (pic 3 below). These are a set of Russian stacking or nesting dolls that are an exact replica of each other. They are either very small or very large. A pregnant woman has an exact replica growing inside of her but on a different scale.

Pic 3 – Babushka Dolls – fractal or self-similar

SG is considered ordered chaos. It is an intelligence unto itself that is expressed through language, mathematics, science, music, and light. There is evidence all over the world from the architecture of huge cathedrals, to the pyramids in Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, China and so on.

Sacred geometry is innate within us all and geometry stores memory. Given that our bodies are 100% geometry, we are capable of changing the memory patterns within to restore our w-holistic self to optimal balance, harmony, and well-being.

Sacred Geometry is ancient wisdom, a knowledge that is ready to be awakened and accessed as it lays dormant within our DNA. It is a visual representation of energy, a structural manifestation of vibration.

Through cymatic–the study of visible sound using mediums such as water or iron shavings–we can see these patterns emerging at different vibrational frequencies (pic 4).

Pic 4 – Cymatics of the planets – Pinterest

Sacred Geometry allows one to use both sides of the brain. It satisfies the left brain through logic, sequences, and analytics, whilst the right side of the brain can be expressed through art, color, perception and an inner knowing or intuition. It is an understanding of the whole (pic 5).

   Pic 5 –     Pineal activation showing a combination of geometry, symbolism, and number – Fibonacci and binary sequence.


When we see the term ‘Sacred’, we don’t mean it to be holy. What it represents is a permanency as it is a fixed law of nature revealing the pattern and process of universal law. It brings about an alchemical synthesis for transformation. ‘Geo’ means the earth, and ‘metry’ relates to measurement, and so ‘Geometry’ translates to measuring the earth. Hence, Sacred Geometry is unchangeable and the foundation of the seen and unseen.

“If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

~ Nikola Tesla

Before I go further, it is important to understand that everything in the universe is moving, living energy which vibrates to a certain frequency, be it plant, animal, human or gemstone. Consciousness is a frequency, everything we experience has a vibration. From the thoughts we have, to the emotions we experience, when we are healthy the relationship of our energy systems is balanced. If the relationship between the mind, body, and soul breaks down, an imbalance occurs, which will eventually lead to energy becoming stagnant and create dis-ease within the body. When we understand how we can implement sacred geometry into our everyday life, we can learn how to consciously create change on all levels of our being and manifest wellness and perfect balance on the masculine and feminine, earth and cosmos.

“As above, so below. As within so without. As the universe, so the soul.”

~ Hermes Trismegistus.

This is the Law of Correspondence (one of the 7 Hermetic Principles).

To understand a little more about Sacred Geometry, it is important to know a little about the universe as a superintelligence creating order out of chaos. Those who know about certain patterns will see them emerging in this complex design we call life. Whether it be conception or the creation story, each stage contains a specific code within its formation.  

Conscious form created our reality. Each of us has a different perception and belief of who or what this is. In the end, it is all energy. Whether it was an explosion of energy, consciousness, spirit or God, matter began to form from the void. Energy now begins to manifest itself as matter.

The first rotation is known as the Seed, Genesis Pattern or the 6-petaled flower as seen on the 6th day. It is the pattern that is seen within the flower of Life (pic 6).

Pic 6 –   First rotation from the sphere, Vesica Piscis to the seed of life

The second rotation created the Egg of Life. These 8 cells of creation (3 Dimension) or 13 in 2 dimensions are the only cells that stay with us from the time of conception until our death. They are the primordial cells that contain the blueprint of our existence.

   Pic 7 –   Egg of Life – Second rotation

The third and fourth rotation form the Flower of Life which is the universal blueprint and seen all over the world, from the Fruit of Life to Metatron’s Cube.

The flower of life is a shape that is highly revered and found throughout all of history in many cultures and religions from Egypt, China, and Turkey just to name a few. The earliest symbol of the Flower was discovered in Egypt at The Osirian in Abydos.                                                                                               

Within this structure, you see the Tree of Life (from Kabbalah) as well as the Ancient Rune Alphabet. If we look at the symmetrical patterning of the Flower of Life, we see the ubiquitous structure of the hexagon. This shape can be seen within beehives, water molecules, snowflakes and so on. It is considered the Universal Blueprint which contains all the secrets of the universe.

Metatron’s cube is formed when 78 lines (male) are connected to the 13 spheres (female) of the Fruit of Life.

Metatron is one of 2 angels who walked the earth.

Within this pattern, we are bringing together male and female and duality, as well as yin and yang. We also find the 5 platonic solids.

Pic 8 – Flower of Life at the Osirian in Abydos. Image by Emily Kisvarda
Flower of Life Stages
Pic 9 – Creation – Google Images
Image result for sacred geometry creation
Pic 10 -Creation – Universe – Conception – google Images

If there were any geometrical shapes to learn and memorize, it would be the platonic solids. They are 5 visual solids that can bring our vibrations into harmony with the rhythms of nature; ultimately everything we see around us is made up of these solids. They are the primary building blocks of all physical matter. They are cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron.

These solids were named after Plato, a student of Pythagoras, who extensively wrote about them. It was Aristotle, a student of Plato, who took it further and created what we know as the Aristotle Energetics. That is, each Platonic solid activates particular chakras using the elements of fire, earth, air, water, and spirit. It is through the use of Platonic solids, sound, and color that we can reactivate dormant DNA. It reveals the common pattern that links us all at both molecular and spiritual levels. The solids can assist with our connection to nature and the higher realms within our galaxy.

Image result for images of the 5 platonic solids
Pic 11 – Above image sourced from http://www.theartofancientwisdom.com/sacred-geometry/

Fibonacci, Phi and The Golden Mean Spiral/Rectangle

Fibonacci is a representation of how nature expands through the invisibility of number, the visibility of creation forms. The addition of this sequence is quite easy as we add the number of the two preceding numbers to create the next. We always start at 0 and 1 – 0,1,1,2,3,5,8 etc. As we go further down the succession of numbers, we start to notice patterns appearing and repeating. From the Fibonacci sequence, the Golden Ratio or Phi is calculated. As we go up the Fibonacci sequence and get to the ratio of 34:55 and divide the smaller into the larger, we get the golden mean which is 1.618.  The human body is the ultimate expression of the phi code. Where the elbow bends in comparison to the whole arm length. This is depicted through Leonardo Davinci’s painting of the Vitruvian Man. The ultimate symbol of the phi ratio is the pentacle because anywhere 2 lines intersect, you get the Fibonacci numbers. Pent is fractal. It creates the infinite path in 2 directions. That is infinitely large (macro) and infinitely small (micro)

 “Mathematics is the alphabet in which God has written the universe.”

~ Galileo Galilei

   Pic 12 – The Vitruvian Man  
Pic 13  The Golden Mean Rectangle and Fibonacci Sequence
Image result for fractal pentacle
Pic 14 –   Fractal Pentacle – Pinterest
Nature's Art: Universal Spirals and Fibonacci
Pic 15 – Universal Spirals and Fibonacci

As many of us start to experience a shift in consciousness, we are reactivating our cellular memory, bringing forth the ancient knowledge and wisdom that resides within our cellular structure.

As the universe is written through the given language of mathematics and geometry, we need to re-educate ourselves and others in becoming more aware of our surroundings, transforming human consciousness to create our own inner alchemy. We can start by becoming aware of our unconscious programs and utilize the knowledge of sacred geometry to change them. As we learn to change our perceptions of life, we change our energy, which changes our frequency, which in turn allows for endless possibilities to be encountered. The more knowledge we have, the greater our experiences.

Emily is an integrated healer, teacher, author and alchemist who is passionate about creating transformational tools to assist you in bringing about your own inner alchemy.

Emily also leads tours to Egypt. The next tour to Egypt is October 24th – November 9th, 2020. Peru and Bolivia coming soon. For more information about Emily or her Egyptian tour, go to:




Click to purchase Emily’s ground-breaking Sacred Geometry Healing Cards Deck and Guidebook:

Sacred Geometry Healing Cards
by Emily Kisvarda
Available online or
from your local bookstore!
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